Saturday 14 June 2008

Kenny Chesney - Chesney Addresses Awards Show Remarks In A Letter To Fans

LATEST: KENNY CHESNEY has written an online letter to his fans in a bid to clear up the confusion about backstage comments he made after winning his fourth Entertainer of The Year prize at the Academy of Country Music Awards on Sunday (18May08).

The singer was far from happy when he learned the Entertainer of The Year category was decided by an online vote - and he made it clear he was upset about the idea seconds after walking off the stage in Las Vegas with his prize.

He said, "They took it (award) from what the award really represents into a sweepstakes to see who can push people's buttons the hardest on the Internet. It's complete disrespect for the artist."

Chesney insists he isn't taking back what he said, but he feels the way his remarks have been reported makes him look ungrateful.

In the letter to fans, he writes, "Entertainer of The Year is about the work that goes into it. I don't ever want you worrying about the work; I want you living the songs.

"That was my point. Let the people who do the work, judge the work part of it... (and) let the fans love what we do for that."

Chesney admits he was applauded for going public with his remarks by his peers: "The entire media room applauded pretty resoundingly after I addressed it Sunday night."

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